How to change the degree of blur?

The degree of blur allows you to determine how dense the blur is on your clip, this article will teach you how you can change this.

The degree of blur allows you to determine how dense the blur is on your clip. No matter which blur mode you have been working in you will be able to change the degree of blur. The right-hand side panel in the second-working screen will update with a slider for the degree of blur once you have clicked ‘Next’ after setting the areas you which to blur.  

  1. Click ‘Save’ on the clip you are working on within the second working screen 
  2. Click ‘Next’ 2nd work screen - next
  3. The right-hand panel will change the bottom option is ‘Degree of Blur’ slider
    Screenshot 2023-07-26 at 10.54.50-3
  4. To change density of blur, slide the blue dot to the required level 
  5. Click ‘Export’ once you have completed all your required redactions to save within your secure environment3rd work screen - export 


Please note that the minimum level of blur will allow you to see all facial features. The maximum level of blur will provide you with the highest level of redaction.  

The degree of blur is for everything that is redacted.