How to use the Dynamic Adjustment?

Dynamic Adjustment allows you to poke holes in full screen redactions or add in extra redactions as you are watching the redacted video, before you export it.

Dynamic Adjustment to poke a hole:

The suggested use of this feature is for when you are interested in a particular area of the sensitive area, and you need to see what is happening in that one area. 

  1. On the right-hand side panel at the bottom click the tick box labelled ‘Full Screen’
  2. Click ‘Next, this will allow you to change the degree of blur on the screen 
  3. At the top of the right-hand side panel, you now have an option for ‘Dynamic blur’ 2nd righthand pannel - manual blur
  4. Tick the box for ‘Dynamic blur’ and click 'Erase' 
  5. Go to the main section of the screen where the video is and run your mouse gently over the section you which to unblur 
  6. You will need to keep your mouse moving gently over this area as the video plays to keep this hole here 
  7. Click the mouse for a second time at the point you wish for this hole to showing what is happening
  8. Click ‘Export’ once you have completed all your required redactions to save within your secure environment3rd work screen