How to use the screen recorder?

This article will take you through how to use the screen recorder feature to import videos into Identity Cloak.

  1. On the start screen of Identity Cloak, you will see a tick box and three buttonsScreenshot 2024-02-01 at 14.10.21-Feb-22-2024-10-13-45-8945-AM
  2. Click 'Screen recorder'Screenshot 2024-02-01 at 14.10.21-4
  3. Select the screen you wish to record from, if it is not showing in the window on Identity Cloak you will need to click 'Refresh' on Identity Cloak Screenshot 2024-02-01 at 14.22.58
  4. Draw a box on the area you wish to recordScreenshot 2024-02-22 at 09.32.18
  5. Click 'Start' on Identity CloakScreenshot 2024-02-22 at 09.32.18-1
  6. Move to your video and click play
  7. Click 'Stop' on Identity Cloak, once you have the section you wish to redact 
  8. You will now be taken through the trim screen

The screen recorder does not work with audio

If you wish to record part of your screen, draw a box over the area you wish to record before clicking start.