How to uninstall Identity Cloak plug-in?

To update to the latest version of our Milestone plug-in you will need to uninstall your current version. This article will guide you through it.

Depending on how your Milestone XProtect is set up there are two different ways you will need to go about uninstalling the Identity Cloak plug-in. The way you go about this will depended on if the machine you are on has just Milestone XProtect Smart Client or XProtect Smart Client and XProtect Recording Server. Please ensure that you are following the relevant instructions below depending on your setup.

Scenario 1: Uninstalling Identity Cloak Plug-in where it is installed on a device with Milestone XProtect Smart Client.

  1. Close Smart Client Application 
  2. Go to "Add/Remove Programs" 
  3. Select "Facit Milestone Application"
  4. Click "Uninstall"

Scenario 2: Uninstalling Identity Cloak Plug-in where it is installed on a device with Milestone XProtect Smart Client and XProtect Recording server.

  1. Close Smart Client Application
  2. Stop XProtect Milestone Event Server
  3. Go to "Add/Remove Programs"
  4. Select "Facit Milestone Application"
  5. Click "Uninstall"


You must stop the Event Server (Step 2). If you don’t stop the event server and continue to uninstall Facit Milestone Application, the new installation will fail. If you see these two DLL files below, it means you haven’t stopped the Event server first. In this case, Stop the Event Server first and then install the newer version of the application.  

milestone issue