If you have uploaded a video to Identity Cloak to then discover it is greyed out, it is more than likely that your video is corrupt. Depending on how the video is corrupt it may still work in other video players such as VLC.
When uploading a video into Identity Cloak you may be presented with an error message such as this:
If you have received this message it would suggest that your video is corrupted. Whilst you may still be able to play the video in other players such as VLC, it could be as they have built a temporary fix to allow you to view the video. However, if you are presented with the message above you will find that your video will be greyed out and pixilated with Identity Cloak.
To resolve this issue we suggest that you download the video again to gain an uncorrupted version alternatively, you can use the screen recorder feature on Identity Cloak to gain a non-corrupted version.
If you are not presented with the error message at the start the reason for having a greyed out version could be that you have tried to upload a video in the wrong format. We recommend uploading in mp4 or avi formats.