How to use the permanent mask?

Our automatic redaction only works on faces, full bodies and licence plates. Thus, if you wish to redact an area such as a notice board you will need to add a permanent mask.

On versions of Identity Cloak 6.0.0 onwards you will find that our manual redaction options have moved, previously you had the option to manually redact either with a rectangle or a circle on the tracking screen. You will now find the option to manually redact on the adjustment screen, these options are:

This article will take you through how to use the permanent masking feature to blur and unblur a set area.

To permanently mask an area:

  1. Complete any tracking on individuals within the tracking screen
  2. Click "Next" on the bottom right-hand side of your tracking screen to go through to the adjustment screenNext button tracking screen - 6.0.2
  3. Select the permanent masking iconScreenshot 2024-01-11 at 13.33.50-2
  4. This will allow you to draw lines on the screen in the area you wish to redact, the area selected will be redacted for the entire length of the videoScreenshot 2024-02-28 at 13.18.29 (1)
  5. Click the screen to create lines around the area you wish to redact, making sure you join them up at the end
  6. Click Save MaskScreenshot 2024-02-01 at 12.52.02
  7. This area will now be blue when you play your clip within Identity Cloak, once exported the area will be blurred like heads/ bodies.

To keep an area clear using permanent masking:

  1. Follow steps 1 to 6 above "To permanent mask an area"
  2. Select the area you have drawn, the area will now be redPermanent masked area selected - 6.0.2
  3. Right-click with your mouse
  4. Select "Un-blur"Screenshot 2024-02-28 at 13.18.35
  5. Once exported the area will remain clear for the whole length of the video

Un-blur a permanent mask area is only available on version 6.0.1 onwards

If you wish to delete the area you have drawn

  1. Select the area you wish to delete the area will go from blue to redPermanent masked area selected - 6.0.2
  2. Click the "Delete" button on your keyboard

Please note that the permanent mask will appear throughout the video. If you have an object that moves in and out of the video, we recommend using our dynamic adjustment or manual adjustment.